Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

In the life of a woman has the role and nature that is different from a man. Responsibility and they are not the same. A woman has a role from the start, giving birth, to raising children. The birth and can not be done by a man. This is the nature of a woman who makes a woman different from a man and equal with men.

The role of the woman is unique. Because it is a woman also has a unique body shape that is different from a man. One of them, both men and women have two breasts. However, in both women payudaranya experience along with the development of a pubertas. While the men did not experience breast development.

Network consisting of the breast strap, gland, and fat network. All parts are coated by the skin. Gland with the help of hormone prolactin, the susu. Susu and issued through this nipple (stalk) that is the right of each breast. When a woman giving birth, the hormone prolactin level in the body and stimulate increased akan gland to produce milk. With the help of suction from the baby, then come out susu that we know as the ASI (Air Susu Ibu).

A normal breast shape and size have the same between the left and right. However, there are also women who have experienced disruption in payudaranya. One of the disruption that can occur in breast gigantomastia is unilateral or bilateral (breast enlargement in excess, either on one or both breasts).

Unilateral or bilateral Gigantomastia generally occur in the peripubertal female (about pubertas). This is a rare case. On gigantomastia, growth and development occurs that is not normal from the breast. This not only resulted in physical interference but also to psychological disturbances. Because of such magnitude, akan breasts hang down and the skin around akan draw a great experience that can lead to the occurrence of rags on the skin.

Gigantomastia consists of three types, namely:
1. Gigantomastia going on peripubertal, which is well known as juvenile Hypertrophy of the Breast (JHB)
2. Gigantomastia that occur during pregnancy
3. Gigantomastia that occurred in adult women with no known cause.

In this article will be reviewed on juvenile Hypertrophy of the Breast. JHB is a case which is very rare. It is very difficult to set, but this illustrates the difference hipersensitifitas organ due to interference endokrin regulations.

One of the cases that have been reported occurred in the United States. A woman aged 30 years have a problem with the size of payudaranya really not symmetrical between the right and the left. Payudaranya enlargement of the left has already started from 15 years ago when he pubertas. Breast enlargement has left a more rapid and progressive or ongoing. At the time it contains, left breast enlargement does not increase quickly. However, it does not produce breast milk, so that only the normal right breast that can be issued for the breastfed infant. There is no history any hormonal treatment including the use of NSAID medicines on himself and his family. Skin became very thin because the towing of the left breast so that the blood vessel (vena superficialis) and the nipple is visible up or berdilatasi. Lymph beningnya not swell. Also there is no difference in the results of blood tests. In April 2004, he was operating mammaplasty, and the results extraordinary. Payudaranya both symmetrical and has now only have a little scar former network operations. Two years later he was re-examination, and gigantomastia does not happen again.

JHB can be overcome with two types of surgical action, namely:
1. Mastektomi.
Mastektomi means lifting breast with problems in their entirety.
2. Mammaplasti reduction.
Mammaplasti cutting breast reduction is a problem according to the image that was created previously. Breast with problems to be formed in accordance with the symmetrical and the normal breast.

JHB people usually give akan complaints such as pain in the breast, waist and neck pain, and deformity of the spine. However, the most major problem is psychological and social problems. JHB akan people find difficult to wear the appropriate size. They also withdraw from the association and social activities outside the home. So in addition to therapy with the delivery of drugs and surgery, as well as psychological factors must be considered from the patient.

Enlargement as in JHB can also occur in other diseases, including:
1. Giant fibroadenoma
This disease often occurs in young women, aged 21-25 years. Benjolannya very mobile (easy moving), free from skin and basically, can arise because of missing movement. Benjolan not feel pain and firm boundary. Consistency resembles a normal breast. Can be great but still mobile. Rapid growth occurred during pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), and the menopause. This is allegedly related to the hormone estrogen.
2. Phyllodes tumor
On this disease, benjolan expand rapidly as in the JHB. And changes also occur on the skin. Phyllodes tumor has the consistency of heterogeneous and firm boundary. While in JHB, more consistency and hard diffus.
3. Gestasional gigantomastia
Breast enlargement that occur because of pregnancy. But this is very rare.

Journal of MEDICAL INDONESIA, volume 17, number 1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. January-March 2008

Tyler, Sandra.M, Gal M. Woodall. FEMALE HEALTH and gynecology: Across the LIFESPAN. A Prentice-hall publishing and communications company. 1982

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